Relax on sandy beaches or discover the cliffs and coves that Cornwall is famous for. Allow a glimpse into the world of artist Bob Dawson…

Cornwall’s unrivalled coastal landscape and its rich vein of natural materials provides never ending source material. Bob’s sculptures have an inherent strength and with titles such as Breaking Wave, On a Roll and Surfing the Tunnel, it is very apparent his work is inspired by the awesome power of the sea and the rhythmical pounding of the waves that continuously reshape our coastline.

A lifelong interest in the human form is an also ever-present passion. It forms the structure of Bob’s sculptures, sometimes hidden, yet manifesting itself in surrealist overtones and it is this deeper quality in his work that continues to drive his creative energy and gives him greatest satisfaction.

Bob chooses to work with clay because he says…

It promotes a fluid and rhythmical way of working which encompasses my love of form and texture. The interaction of the forces working internally and externally fascinate me that is which I am trying to express.

Purchase or Commission

A number of Bob’s sculptures are available to purchase, either as the original or from a limited edition run. Bob also takes on commissions from private or public clients. If you are interested in commissioning Bob, or wanting to view his current works, please get in touch to discuss it further. You can also arrange a private viewing of Bob’s studio in Breage, Cornwall.